----------------- Calis Information -----------------
Calis was born on Ryvellia. Her parents were killed in an Imperial attack
on the planet when she was 18. She worked as an aide to the Ryvellian
Ambassador in the Senate until her employment terminated when she
publically spoke out at a Senate meeting against the actions of the Empire.
Later she was imprisoned when she assasinated the commander of the
assault that killed her parents.
One year into her sentance she was discovered to be force-sensitve and
was taken to Coruscant, the galactic capital. For just over a year she trained
to become a Sith lord under Vader’s tutelage. There she met Ruan, and
established a close relationship. Calis began to question her purpose in
life when she was asked to perform morally reprehensible acts by Vader.
Disillusioned, she escaped Coruscant after stealing a transport with Ruan.
Calis is angry at the hand she has been dealt in life, yet recently clear and
focused about her future and what she wants. She wants to put aside her
past and start a new life. She can be hot-headed and
stubborn at times and has a dry sarcastic wit.
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